Cleanliness should be learnt and constantly practiced. This entails, grooming of the entire body. Healthy personal habits can help you fight off intending disease you may contract.
Good personal cleaning can make you look responsible, presentable, approachable, healthy attractive to people around you. If you do not take care of yourself you are inviting disease causing agent in and around your body.Poor personal hygiene can affect you socially, people will never tell you that your teeth smells or you have body odour and others because it sounds repulsive.
The only they can do is steer clear the sight of you and avoid hanging out with you or getting you involved in any social activity.
Like I said in my previous article"Job interview etiquette tops" you may not get your dream job or get a promotion in your place of work because of your physical appearance, it is clearly seen that you do not take care of yourself.
People can intimidate you because of the way you look, you can look"haggard" but you will never know until someone discloses it to you.
In this article, I will be passing a piece of information on "HOW TO MAINTAIN A GOOD PERSONAL HYGIENE and they are;
1) SHOWER OR TAKE YOUR BATH ON A DAILY BASIS: Take your bath atleast twice (morning and night) daily with clean water and good shower gel/soap. Keep yourself clean.
Everybody perspires, dirts accumulates in our body and also our face and body may become oilier. All these can cause body odour if you do not take your bath.
While taking your bath, pay special attention to your private parts, head, heel of the legs and armpit
2) BRUSHING AND FLOSSING YOUR TEETH: Brush and floss your teeth atleast twice a day or after each meal. Brushing your teeth regularly can prevent Dental caries and bad breath.
3) CUT YOUR NAILS (FINGER AND TOE): Trim your nails and keep it clean always, germs can hide under your nail and also get into the hands of which you may contract diseases when used to take consumables.
4) WASHING AND LAUNDERING: wash and launder your clothes, pillow case, bedspread and wrapper atleast twice in a week. Use a good detergent and bar soap to wash your clothes.
Do not soak your clothes in water for 1-2days it will make your clothes to smell awful even if you wash it.
Sun/air dry your clothes after washing, it kills bacteria and also removes bad odour due to perspiration from your clothes.
Do not forget to iron and hang your clothes.
5) TAKE CARE OF YOUR HAIR: Your hair can make you look unkempt if you do not pay attention to it. take care of your hair and ensure you wash it atleast once in a week with a good shampoo and conditioner to avoid smelling.
Do not allow your hair to be bushy before you can barb or dress it.
6) UNDERWEARS: Do not wear your underwears for more than 24hours. Underwears should be changed each time you perspire.
You are not advised to sleep with your underwears rather a night wear or pyjamas, sleeping with your underwears can make you contract an infection because you've decided not to allow natural breeze/air to enter down there.
Wash your underwear with good soap and detergent.
7) WASH YOUR HANDS: Always wash your hand with water and detergent after visiting the toilet, the bathroom, before preparing meal, after handling the waste bin, after coughing and sneezing.
Health is wealth, be careful of the things you touch. Keep a sanitizer and handkerchief in your bag/purse for use.
8) KEEP YOUR SURROUNDING NEAT AND WELL VENTILATED: keep your surrounding clean and do home sanitation regularly. Take proper care of your toilet, bathroom, room, window, kitchen and every other place.
9) EAT RIGHT AND SLEEP WELL: Eat foods that has all the nutrients. It can contain protein, iron, vitamins, calcium, carbohydrate etc.
They are good for your health
Secondly, catch some sleep atleast 8hours daily it makes your body and immune system balanced and in the right health conditions.
razor/shaving bic
tooth brush
antiperspirants (roll-on) toiletries
hair comb/brush etc.
Personal Hygiene should be part of your daily routine work, form it as a habit to take care of yourself, beautify and look your best and it will minimize your risk of infection and illnesses.
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