Maybe it is, sitting in meditation is simple but brings great benefits in both physical and mental health. It helps you be more productive and confident, reduces stress and frees your mind from chaotic thoughts. You will focus more and achieve more, without even trying.
There are many people who think that meditation is only for those who follow Buddhism, people who practice yoga or martial arts of Eastern origin. However, in fact, meditation has become a popular activity because of its overwhelming advantages to health.
If you have not meditated, you will hardly feel the benefits, but just try to meditate for 5 minutes a day, you can easily get "addicted". Here are the obvious effects that meditation can change your body, try it today.
Instructions on how to sit in a simple meditation:
Sit up straight, eyes closed, legs crossed, soles of the feet up, can sit in your most favorable position, hands lightly on the knees.
Inhale deeply (abdomen swells), exhale fully (abdomen collapses), last for 5 minutes or as much as you can. Get rid of all meditative thoughts.
1. Brain rejuvenation
According to studies, meditation is a way to slow down the systemic aging process, which is not only reflected in the body, skin, but also in the brain. It helps brain cells recover from previous damage.
2. Relieve muscle tension, cramps
If you often experience muscle tension or cramps. Meditation can relax muscles, relieve muscle tension and muscle cramps. The more muscle tension you have, the more you will sit and meditate.
3. Treating Respiratory Diseases
We know that: The feature of meditation is slow and steady breathing, deep breathing and light breathing. That title means that we will breathe more oxygen into the lungs, which can correct and reduce the disease for people with respiratory disorders.
4. Lowers blood pressure
In addition, meditation has the effect of increasing the power to control emotions, so it is considered a natural way to regulate blood pressure. Meditation will slow your heart rate, your attitude will be more calm and thereby can improve your blood pressure diseases.
5. Relieve stress, fatigueı
Not only that, stress relief is one of the main benefits of meditation. Regular meditation will release stress, and at the same time release stress hormones in the body out.
6. Cure Insomnia
Stress will interfere with daily sleep, causing difficulty sleeping, waking up at night and not being able to fall back to sleep. Meditation is the best natural remedy to treat people with sleep disorders. Oriental medicine believes that the mind sleeps first, then the body falls asleep. If you meditate before going to bed, you will be able to fall asleep right away.
7. Control your emotions
People who meditate regularly will easily control emotions, especially anger. De-heating, nerve cells will be destroyed, blood pressure increases, nutrients are depleted, a variety of toxins are produced, causing the body to age quickly.
8. Improve memory
A lot of sitting and meditation will help improve concentration. Because stress is the main cause of poor memory and short-term memory loss. Therefore, a relaxed state and regular meditation can help improve mental capacity.
9. Improve immunity
When you meditate regularly, you will know how to breathe more deeply and receive more oxygen, your body will also rest to recover. From there, it will improve immunity, helping the body to prevent disease attack.
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